• Permitting.
• Installation of pedestrian safety and vehicular protection systems.
• Installation of access equipment and safety systems.
• Perform a “Preconstruction Survey” which documents pre-existing conditions utilizing video and picture documentation prior to commencement of work.
• Clearly identify repair areas with structural engineer by acoustically sounding and marking.
• Install property protection.
• Adequate shoring is installed prior to demolition.
• The unsound concrete is removed by means of chipping hammer or other means determined by Contractor.
• Concrete is removed completely around exposed corroded reinforcing steel such that a ¾ inch clearance from the existing concrete is obtained.
• The edges of repair area shall be perpendicular or slightly undercut between ¼ inch and ½ inch deep taking care not to cut steel.
• All rust, scale and unsound concrete from exposed reinforcing steel is removed by sandblasting or mechanical means.
• Reinforcing steel which has lost more than the percentage required by code of its original area at any given point along its length is repaired by supplementing existing deteriorated steel with new steel of equivalent size in accordance with the American Concrete Institute Standard Specifications and details.
• Coat new and existing steel with engineer approved corrosion inhibitor.
• Build and install form systems.
• Pour Concrete with Engineer approved bag mix or ready mix with three cylinders filled from each truck to be lab tested.
• Wet cure repair areas to prevent cracking.
• Removal of forms after the repaired concrete has gained adequate strength.
• Apply waterproofing, stucco to match existing, or other finishes as directed by engineer.